Scholarships for
Tanzanian Students

Many of our Christian young people would like to get an education, but it is a far off dream unless someone steps in to help them financially. We plan to use this area of this website to invite YOU to sponsor scholarships to individual young people who are eager to learn and do their best to become good servants of Christ in their country.

Do you value the education you have received? You can be sure these young people will treasure theirs too, and will use it to further their lives by diligence. You can have a great impact by helping them right now! Don't delay if you feel prompted to help.

Seeking Scholarships and Grants

Universities and organizations offering scholarships and grants do not usually go patrolling the highways and by-ways, or rural Africa, for potential recipients. Instead, they expect you to come seeking them out, and you need to apply in a very practical, thorough way. We have a rudimentary overview of the five stages of such a search to give you an idea of what you would need to do.

Free Education Online

You can get a free education online if you have a good computer and a good internet connection, and if you have the self-discipline to study as much as you can, - plus some means of paying for your meals and accommodations at home. You may want to look into this as it could be the answer for your needs.

We hope to add more helpful pages of guidance and places to apply. We may also profile some needy students that are seeking financial help. Please watch here for further developments