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One of the chronic problems facing the churches in Tanzania is the meeting buildings to worship God. The speed of the response to the Gospel and people being saved is very high and encouraging. After people are saved they hope to enter into worship in a good place, but this is still a very big obstacle.
We have managed to plant 102 churc
One of the chronic problems facing the churches in Tanzania is the meeting buildings to worship God. The speed of the response to the Gospel and people being saved is very high and encouraging. After people are saved they hope to enter into worship in a good place, but this is still a very big obstacle.
We have managed to plant 102 churches, plus 5 outside Tanzania, but out of that only ten percent have been successful in having buildings. Most of the rest worship in homes rented, classrooms and various rented halls.
So this is a very important area for people to invest, so that the Kingdom of God be raised and more people be saved and stay in churches.
Kangaza Children's Home
This is a home for orphans of HIV/AIDs; the pandemic which drastically hit in the early 1980s. There are 62 orphans currently. Our church established this center to serve the children's needs, and impart the Christian faith. Presently, the orphanage has no permanent supporter/donor/sponsor for their needs of food,
Kangaza Children's Home
This is a home for orphans of HIV/AIDs; the pandemic which drastically hit in the early 1980s. There are 62 orphans currently. Our church established this center to serve the children's needs, and impart the Christian faith. Presently, the orphanage has no permanent supporter/donor/sponsor for their needs of food, clothes, uniforms, school fees, shoes and other sundries. The buildings also need to be rehabilitated, new/used mattresses, bed sheets, pillows etc. are needed urgently. The operational cost of running this center is $ 1,700 every month. More details about our orphans and their needs are below.
While Tanzania has been spiritually responsive, there is grave concern among church leaders. Although they are reaching the lost, winning them to Christ and baptizing them, the new converts are not being discipled due to lack of literature. This leaves the new converts vulnerable to the efforts of Muslim proselytizing. Believers in Ta
While Tanzania has been spiritually responsive, there is grave concern among church leaders. Although they are reaching the lost, winning them to Christ and baptizing them, the new converts are not being discipled due to lack of literature. This leaves the new converts vulnerable to the efforts of Muslim proselytizing. Believers in Tanzania need to be firmly grounded in God's Word in order to reach their country for Christ and stand against the growing shadow of Islam.
The answer is getting the Word of God into the hands of native pastors and believers in Tanzania.
Pastor Gervase reports, "I have so many letters requesting booklets. There is a great need of Scripture because many people cannot purchase even a New Testament...the daily income for one person is $1.00! Now when they get these booklets free, they wonder and thank God for this miracle.
Biblical Training is the heart of the Church. The training of ministers is mandatory. Furthermore the government issued a directive that ministers in church should be trained to obtain a Diploma and Bachelor of Theology, in order to have a reputation of excellence in performance and communication.
Our ministerial candidates undergo intensi
Biblical Training is the heart of the Church. The training of ministers is mandatory. Furthermore the government issued a directive that ministers in church should be trained to obtain a Diploma and Bachelor of Theology, in order to have a reputation of excellence in performance and communication.
Our ministerial candidates undergo intensive courses using the curricula of the International School of Ministry (ISOM). The aim is to equip pastors for carrying out the Great commission of our Lord (Mt.28:18-20).
The immediate need is to construct classrooms for the School of Ministry; and later to adopt the PFWB curricula, which will be taught.
We intend to commence computer applications and operations training. This will enable youths to be employed and gain income. Also the church will charge tuition fees to cover expenses and generate income to subsidize operational expenses of the church at Kibaha. There is a plan to purchase and install 20 computers, @ $ 500-new, @ $ 300 – used.
We normally construct church buildings by volunteering labor, members contributions for buying cement, sand, baked bricks etc. This year, there are churches in different, regions:
•Songwe Region - 1
•Manyara Region - 1
•Ruvuma Region - 1
•Coast Region - 1
•Dar Es Salaam Region - 1
The total building budget is $ 18,750 for each church.
The co
We normally construct church buildings by volunteering labor, members contributions for buying cement, sand, baked bricks etc. This year, there are churches in different, regions:
•Songwe Region - 1
•Manyara Region - 1
•Ruvuma Region - 1
•Coast Region - 1
•Dar Es Salaam Region - 1
The total building budget is $ 18,750 for each church.
The cost of roofing a church already built is $ 3,750.
Brick-wall fencing around the Church boundaries for security purposes is $ 10,000.
Heavy-Duty Van
It is our objective to visit every church in Tanzania, conduct gospel campaigns in open grounds and in-house seminars. Rural areas require a 4-W drive vehicle, with room to carry our PA equipment.
Motor cycles for Rural Pastors
Many of our pastors struggle traveling long distances for evangelism. 5 pastors are in serious need of motor cycles to enable them perform their duties well.
The impact of a PA system and music equipment is great. We need to have them in order to preach to today’s people – the use of today’s’ equipment and methods. Music has been the best ingredient of worship since the time of David. How much more it is nowadays!
IMPORTANT! For secure giving, our friends at the Pilgrim Tract Society have graciously agreed to help us! Please, when you make your donation, select the "Other" option in the giving list so that it is designated for Pentecostal Missionary Church in Tanzania, East Africa. May God richly bless you!