The Tanzania Mission field has been divided into 8 zones. The Kibaha church (Head Office) is located within the Eastern Coast Zone. It comprises of Dar as Salaam Region (5 Districts), Coast Region (4 Districts), Morogoro Region (8 Districts) and Tanga Region (10 Districts). The Eastern Coast Zone is the most active area for gospel evangelism and church planting, with many Muslims as result of Arab influence from the colonial rulers and businessman. Other Zones are Northern, Southern, Southern highlands, Central, Lake zone, Lake Tanganyika and Nyanza Zone,
We intend to do gospel campaigns and evangelism at a high speed for 2024-2025.
We plan to have a team of preachers, worship singers, teachers, band members (musicians) to be involved – about 30 in total. To preach every district twice in a year is our target (total 26 districts)
Biblical Training is the heart of the Church. The training of ministers is mandatory. Furthermore the government issued a directive that ministers in church should be trained to obtain a Diploma and Bachelor of Theology, in order to have a reputation of excellence in the performance and communication.
Our ministerial candidates undergo intensive courses using the curricula of the International School of Ministry (ISOM). The aim is to equip pastors for carrying out the Great commission of our Lord (Mt.28:18-20).
Tanzania is one of the countries with many orphans this is due to diseases and epidemics. In Tanzania these resulted in many orphans and widows, with many orphans becoming street children, struggling, lacking essential needs such as education shelter, medical care, food and clothing. Our churches have a great burden to help by collecting orphans and street children and provide them with shelter and daily essentials including education.
In the area around our church, there is no such school, to prepare them join grade 1 primary school, currently our teachers conduct tuition in the building. The pre-school has attracted many children from different faith backgrounds, including Muslims. We teach academic subjects while also also teaching about the God who is in three person’s Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
• Serving faith • Christian discipline of children • Satan and his works • Love • How to pray to God
We try to impart the Christian faith in their tender ages, so that by the time they leave the pre-school class to join primary School, (standard 1) all pupils, regardless of their beliefs, know simple basics of Christianity and help parents who go softly in this area of fulfilling the biblical command to bring up their children in the discipline an instruction of the Lord (Eph. 6:4).